Milv J63 Water Decal
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How it Works
You can do it in few simple steps, all you need is to cut the picture from the sheet, place it into the water for 3 seconds, then slide the picture from the paper to the nail surface and press it to the nail. Seal the picture with transparent top to fix it on your nail.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How long does water decals last?
A. Water decals last as long as keep your nail coat.
Q. What nail coat can I use with water decals?
A. The lacquer, gel, gel-polish, acrylic.
Q. The water decals do not fit my nail?
A. Try water decal to the nail and using small scissors cut of the unwanted part.
Q. Can I trim down the water decal on my finger after application? What should I use?
A. Yes, use a small pair of cuticle scissors.
Q. What if water decal buckles when applying?
A. Try to lift and place again. Small wrinkles disappear after covering nail polish.
Q. Can I use any nail file to buff the edges?
A. We recommend that you use a fine file that is 240 grit or above.
Q. How to remove the water decals?
A. Water decals are removed with your nail coat.